Music 232
Diatonic Harmony– Spring Semester 2025
M: 9:45-11:00a; CA 136
W: 9:45 - 11:00a, remote (Zoom), synchronous
Instructor: Jono
Office Hours (CA 166F): M, 11:15a-12:15p; and other times by appointment
(Week No.) Week of |
Class Topics and
Useful Links (day covered–"M,
W, F") |
Assignments and items
to print for that week with
specific due day |
(1) Jan 27 |
Class organization, course overview Introduction to diatonic harmony Video: Joni Mitchell discussing her approach to composing |
Print/download: (W) Complete, but do not turn in Syllabus Assignment (we will go over it in
our Zoom class) (F) Submit via email
(optional but encouraged): Student
Survey (a
template will be emailed in advance) |
(2) Feb 3 |
Introduction to counterpoint
as a precursor to harmony Extended version of "Satisfaction"
counterpoint example Orlando Lassus: Oculus non
Vidit (audio) Grateful Dead: "China Cat
(audio) Triads,
7th chords, figured bass (audio of Czerny example) Triads
from Robert Hutchinson’s Music Theory for the 21st-Century
Classroom web page |
(3) Feb 10 |
Triads, 7th chords, figured bass
continued Diatonic chords from Robert Hutchinson...(see
7.1 - 7.3); figured bass symbols |
analysis assignment (audio) |
(4) Feb 17 |
Diatonic chords continued From R. Hutchinson: voice leading general; rules of melody; rules of spacing |
(M) Triads,
7ths & figured bass assignment: Question 2 audio; Question 3 audio |
(5) Feb 24 |
Voice leading continued From R. Hutchinson: types of motion; objectional parallels; Voice ranges; root position part writing |
(M) Diatonic chords assignment: Question 2 audio;
Question 3 audio |
(6) March 3 |
Root position part writing continued (including 2nd level analysis) Circle of 5ths
progressions/jazz (pdf) Hutchinson: circle of 5ths progression |
(7) March 10 |
Harmonic progressions continued Midterm Exam preparation (W) |
(M) Root position part writing assignment |
(8) March 17 |
Harmonic progressions continued (W) |
(M) Midterm Exam
(in class, open-note) |
March 24 – 28: Spring
Recess, No Class |
(9) March 31 |
OF CESAR CHAVEZ DAY Hutchinson: first inversion voice leading Food
for thought questions (do not turn in) Hutchinson: second inversion voice leading; six-four chord types; summary of doubling Crosscheck
sheet (do not turn in) |
(W - Please note) Harmonic progressions assignment to be submitted
via email (F) Keyboard Demonstration, via emailed
video (audio
example) |
(10) April 7 |
Second Inversion triads continued Hutchinson: cadences; motive; phrase; subphrase; phrases in combination |
(M) First inversion triads assigment |
(11) April 14 |
Cadences, phrases, periods continued |
(12) April 21 |
Cadences, phrases, periods continued Hutchinson: nonchord tones |
(M) DRAFT of piano composition project due Audio The draft can be
hand-written or computer-notated. It will not be
graded, just marked with comments/suggestions, BUT it must be submitted in accordance
with the standard homework deadline requirements |
(13) April 28 |
Nonchord tones I continued Embellishing
a simple texture with all NCTs * (Audio) Hutchinson: voice leading 7th chords |
(M) cadences,
phrases & periods, Minuet in G audio;
Op. 13, ii audio LISTEN
(14) May 5 |
(M) Nonchord tones assignment Audio
(15) May 12 |
An introduction to modulation Culminating Perspectives; Wrap-up Last class: (W) |
(M) 7th
chords assignment, Bach WTC audio |
Final Project Preparation Guide |
(M, May 19) Final Project due |
Extra Credit Assignment (pdf of score)
(audio example) Due by Friday, May
23, noon (via email) |
It is strongly recommended that you
take/pass MUS 130, or pass out of the basic skills
section of the School of Music’s placement evaluation. This course focuses on diatonic
harmony & structures associated with Western European and more-recent
American & British music. The main source material will be from the 18th
and 19th centuries, but more recent styles, such as jazz, rock, folk and pop
will also be included - Bach to the Beatles and beyond! We will
explore how harmony, melody, and counterpoint interrelate through four-part
harmony textures (such as the Bach Chorale), but also through solo, chamber
& orchestral settings, as well as modern-style lead sheet (chart)
examples. The goal of this class is to enable students to analyze and/or
compose music in the above-mentioned styles, and to have a command of the
associated vocabulary. Your written work will consist of a mixture between
homework, exams, and separate composition/analysis projects. |
Harmony – Textbook, 7th, 8th or 9th
Edition Kostka/Payne, McGraw Hill An
e-book version is fine |
Music Theory
for the 21st-Century Classroom Robert Hutchinson |
College-Level Music Dictionary: Oxford,
Harvard, etc. A
Music Notation Manual: Norton, Alfred, etc. |
Each assignment and exam
will have its own grade. You can also look up your grades to date on Canvas, where information will be posted
periodically in a spreadsheet. Grades are listed via an assigned alias to
protect your privacy. Attendance: 10% Meaningful attendance (see class participation below)
goes hand-in-hand with better learning and
retention. Being in a classroom community on a regular basis can deepen one's
experience with the material, where we can interact, ask questions, listen to
music and each other, make connections, and support one and other. After the
first week, there will be a sign-in sheet on the piano at the beginning of
each Monday class. Latecomers can check in with me at the end of class. You
are allowed three unexcused absences before it starts counting against your
grade. Three unexcused late arrivals will count as one unexcused absence. For
Wednesday remote classes, I will take attendance. There are all kinds of good/reasonable excuses for missing class
or being late, such as: religious holidays, being sick, caring for someone
who is sick, a family emergency, occasional professional obligation,
transportation problems, mental health concerns, etc. If you miss class or
are late and have an excuse, I ask that you inform me as soon as possible
(email is best). Out of respect for your privacy, if the excuse feels
personal in nature, you do not have to be too specific. Similarly, I do not
require doctor's notes and the like. We will rely on the honor system should
you need to explain an absence or late arrival, but it is essential to
communicate. Class Participation/Communication: 5% Participation means arriving/joining on
time (unless it is beyond your control), being fully present and engaged, not
behaving in a distracted or distracting manner (such as using electronic
devices for non-class related reasons), and very-importantly, treating others
with respect. Please practice professional-level communication during class,
and in written correspondence. Keyboard Performance Demonstration: 5% (audio example) This can be done in person, or via an emailed video (or link to
a video) Piano composition assignment: 10% Details will be announced. Midterm Exam (in class): 10% Details TBA Final Project: 15% Details TBA Assignments: 45% Assignments (on paper)
are due on the day listed in the syllabus, by the end of class. Any
exceptions will be specifically announced. Assignments will consist of mainly
small analysis and composition-style exercises. Advance notification
requesting an extension is fine in most cases, but unnotified late
assignments are not automatically accepted. Please staple multiple-page
assignments so nothing gets lost. The lowest two grades will be dropped (this
does not apply to the midterm piano assignment). Homework
collaboration option. Redo
Unless otherwise specified, I encourage you to redo any assignment that gets
less than a 93%. The score of the redone version of the assignment will be
averaged with the original score for a final assignment grade, with a maximum
possible grade of 93%. Redone
assignments are due two class periods after the original assignment is returned (unless otherwise arranged). Redoing an
assignment means that you either make clear corrections on the original
assignment, or that you submit a copied-over, corrected version of the
original assignment on a separate piece of paper. For the latter, please
include the original assignment along with the redo; you don't have to copy
over portions of the original assignment that were done correctly. This does
not apply to exams, which cannot be redone. **Please note: the
above percentages are subject to redistribution** Missed
assignments, quizzes or exams: in the event of an unforeseen
absence, make-up exams or assignment-extensions will be granted for
extenuating circumstances on an individual basis. It is important that you
notify me as soon as possible in cases like this. Extra
credit assignments (optional): may be assigned and will be announced
in class and on the syllabus. Letter
grade breakdown by percentage points: A
= 93-100; A- = 90-92; B+ = 89-87; B = 86-83; B- = 82-80; C+ = 79-77; C =
76-73; C- = 72-70; D+ = 69-76; D = 66-63; D- = 62-60; F = 59-0 Plagiarism:
some collaboration is expected and productive, the bulk of your assignments
and definitely any compositions must be done
individually unless otherwise specified. Violations will be subject to
the University's Code of Conduct as it relates to such matters. Please
note the following from the SFSU Bulletin: To receive credit toward
completion of the degree requirements, a grade of C (a C- does NOT count) or
better is required for all music courses in the Bachelor of Arts in Music
major...To receive credit toward completion of the degree requirements, a
grade of C or better is required for all music courses in the Bachelor of
Music major. Disability access Students with disabilities who need
reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor. The
Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is available to
facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC is
located in the Student Service Building and can be reached by
telephone (voice/415-338-2472, video phone/415-335-7210) or by email ( Student disclosures of sexual violence SF State fosters a campus free of
sexual violence including sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating
violence, stalking, and/or any form of sex or gender discrimination. If
you disclose a personal experience as an SF State student, the course instructor
is required to notify the Title IX Coordinator by completing the report form
available at, emailing
or calling 338-2032. To disclose any such violence
confidentially, contact: *The SAFE Place - (415)
338-2208; *Counseling
and Psychological Services Center - (415) 338-2208; *For more
information on your rights and available resources: |
Attendance is factored
into your grade as stated above. It is your responsibility to get notes from
any class you miss. Disruptive, distracting, or disrespectful behavior will
not be tolerated and may result in you being asked to leave the classroom or
a remote meeting (if the lecture is remote). |
may be instances where we need to make individual, special
arrangements. In these cases, it is best that we do so with confirmation
emails. If we have made a special arrangement, please make sure we have at
least done so in writing. If you write to me, please communicate as
clearly and professionally as possible.
While this is a music class, you are expected to practice
college-level, professional communication standards in your written and oral
communication. Make sure your SFSU email is set up to forward to your
regular/personal email address. |
The syllabus (including
assignments, exam and grade distributions) and downloads are subject to
revisions as the semester progresses. Check the syllabus web page
often, and your email, and listen for announcements in class. Please do
not download the lecture notes and/or assignments all at once in case
revisions are made. |
an ongoing effort to nurture your notation skills, all work handed in must be
written in pencil, or printed from a tablet (i.e.
still written by hand). Assignments using computer notation are not
acceptable, unless arranged in advance. When using staff paper for any
assignment, the paper should have no left- or right-side bar lines and have
no clefs printed on it. Use this link to print staff
paper. Notation is a factor in grading. Notation errors, cross-outs, sloppy
notation or analyses may lower assignment grades and/or will be handled on a
discretionary basis. |
Please plan to print
required materials/assignments for class on a regular basis. However, it is
understandable that printing could be a hardship for some, in which case we
will work out an alternative so that everyone can access what they need. All
materials will be available through the web syllabus (and occasionally Canvas
& emails) and will be PDF files. |
Resilient Teaching & Learning Plan |
campus community is often called to demonstrate compassionate resiliency by
adapting and responding to a number of unexpected
events, or disruptions, such as personal illness or injury, the COVID-19
pandemic, or unhealthy air quality and power outages due to wildfires. A
disruption is a situation that will prevent you, me, or the entire class from
participating in 'class as usual' for a reason we could not have predicted at
the beginning of the semester. Our goal as a learning community is to
do our best to keep teaching and learning with as little interruption as
possible. If
something along these lines happens, we should be able: to maintain
communication and send assignments via email; use the web syllabus and Canvas
to access assignments; possibly adjust the curriculum; use SFSU’s Zoom app to
hold live meetings and/or view recorded lectures. Most
importantly, I am committed to supporting students when they are affected by
uncontrollable circumstances in order to keep our
in-person and virtual learning environments nurturing and inviting places. |